I Am Number Four

Discount Theater or Matinée. Well I called this one from the preview and actually saw a matinée today. Hey no need to pay full price when you can tell it isn't winning any awards. But it is a good action movie and good action movies are best on the big screen with big sound.  The fight scenes were great and even had a bit of  parkour thrown in. When Number 3 was being chased by the Mogadorians in the beginning of the movie, he ran through the jungle flipping over tree branches like it was nothing.  I really enjoyed the fight sequences. My only complaint in the action department:  I wish there was more. Number 6 was awesome. I know a lot of movies have the scene where someone walks away from the house they are about to explode. Every thing slows down as the flames envelope the scene and the tough guy walks casually away as if it is an everyday occurrence. Well Number 6 turns on all the gas in the house and lights a match.  She struts away casually, only as the explosion envelopes the scene, it also envelopes her. She just keeps walking unscathed. Pretty cool chick. I'm not sure why her powers were so much more developed than Number 4's but she rocked. I wish she was in more of the movie. The action didn't stop there. In fact that is all in the first ten minutes. As Number 4 (John) begins to develop powers he does some parkouring of his own, flipping off a waterfall, jumping, rolling. I like that he began to think he was getting control of his powers and his guardian, a former warrior with no powers, can still school him in the front yard. Well once the Mogadorians and Number 6 finally track down John, the real action begins. As the alien guns fire colored light (sticking with what "Star Wars" taught us all years ago, red for bad guys blue for good guys) Number 6 reveals a teleporting ability. This girl has some nice powers. Of course Sam and Sarah, John's love interest, are caught in the middle. It just wouldn't be an interesting fight scene with out a couple of defenseless human lives on the line. 

I was pleasantly surprised by Alex Pettyfer. He definitely has the young super hero look. And he is a much better actor than I expected. Timothy Olyphant brought some nice humor and acting skills to the table, which the young cast needed to pull the film together. He and Alex had a good father/son relationship. I'm not entirely sure why they decided to cast two lead blonde girls. Both are on their ways to becoming good actors but haven't quite reached their skill yet. But it was nice to see that Teresa Palmer can handle her own in an action film. Not just a pretty face. I loved Callan McAuliffe as Sam. He is an adorable nerd. I have to say this movie made Jake Abel look like a pansy. I really liked him in Percy Jackson but I just don't get the lead jock from him. He was the weak link for me. I loved John's  pet beagle. It was adorable. It almost made me want one, then I remember I actually had a beagle when I was younger. It ran away all the time and terrorized the neighborhood. They are a bit of a hand full. 

The costumes and makeup were good. Dianna Agron looked cute the whole movie. And the Mogadorians makeup looked very natural. The head tattoos and teeth were done really well. Not really sure why they were wearing Frankenstein boots. Not really a fan of that choice. Also liked the music and sound in this film. Ah the joy of filling your chair vibrate from the bass during an intense fight scene. Just can't get that at home. 

I will say that this is not a stand alone film. Hopefully since they cast less known actors they can afford them for a sequel. It still makes me think of "Push" and how I hoped so badly for them to make another one to finish the story line. This one was worse. I was disappointed that John never opened the box from his father. It will be really disappointing if they don't make another one. Don't get me wrong the movie is still enjoyable but if you don't like loose ends you will be frustrated. It definitely raises more questions than it answers. Also this movie has mild language, though ironically most if it had nothing to do with the action. I also thought there was a bit too much love interest in the plot. We get it you like this girl. She is different from other girls blah blah blah. Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah, everywhere. Who actually finds true love in high school? 

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