The Tourist

Rent It

I think renting it is a generous rating but so many people are fans of Angelina Jolie or Johnny Depp that they will watch anything they are in. This was not my favorite movie from either of them. It felt a bit slow at times, and a couple of times I was confused as to why the plot would take certain turns. I did, however, enjoy the ending. Content note, I would like to say that it was fairly clean but I hate the F-bomb with a passion and it was thrown out twice early on in the movie. I hate when they throw that word in when it doesn't even fit with what is going on. Not that that is an excuse but it is at least more acceptable if they are swearing for a good reason.  Ironically, after needlessly throwing in the most offensive language possible, not much swearing or content other than that.

The Tourist follows Elise (Jolie), the wife of a elusive thief, Alexander Pearce, wanted by a very powerful gang lord, Scotland Yard and local police.  Elise is instructed by Alexander to find someone of his height and build and use him as a decoy Alexander Pearce. She meets and American tourist named Frank (Depp) on the train to Venice, Italy. The gang lord is quickly convinced and tries to capture Frank. The police realize he is just a tourist and feel he is of no consequence, therefore offer him no protection. Elise seems to somehow have developed feelings for him in an unusually short amount of time and decides to save him herself. Frank later attempts to return the favor when she tries to help the police catch Alexander Pearce. This leads to an eventful ending that was the best part of the movie.

Jolie's costumes and makeup were stunning the entire movie. Too stunning in fact. Her eyes looked so large she could have just stepped out of an anime. Every time the camera went from her face to Depp's face it was jarring. He looked ragged and his eyes looked beady. Now I am a Johnny Depp fan, but this movie just didn't do it for me. I can't believe how plain he looked next to her. Jolie was also the only female in the movie. The only other women were only extras with no lines. No other woman spoke. She was always dressed beautifully. Interestingly, she never wore pants. Neither did any of the other women in the movie. Always dressed in skirts and heels, I wonder what statement they were trying to make.

The acting was well done, though I have never seen a less convincing love story than between Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. They had crap chemistry. The rest of the cast did well. Paul Bettany joined the supporting cast as the Scotland Yard inspector. He is another actor I will watch just about any movie they are in. It was weird to see Johnny Depp in Europe with an American accent. Perhaps that is part of what made him less attractive. He did bring a little humor to the film by using Spanish when trying to communicate with the local Italians. I could have done with a little more light moments along the slow beginning so it wouldn't seem so dry.

So if you have to see this movie because you are a fan of the actors, rent it. Otherwise wait for it to come to Netflix. It isn't getting five stars or two thumbs up from me.

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