The Young Victoria

Rent It

Obviously this movie is no longer in theaters so I had to rate it accordingly. But I think this movie is very good. I was up late, laying in bed, wishing I could sleep, so I decided to see what was up on Netflix. I actually watched this movie when it first came out. I don't normally watch movies twice, that just tells you how much I like this movie.

The Young Victoria is a an amazing love story. Emily Blunt is fantastic in the film. She is so good at playing a young girl with great responsibility. She skips down the stairs, pushing the limits of her mothers rules.  She runs in the hall when she gets excited. She giggles with joy, then quickly regains her composure. An interesting element the film used to add to this image of youth was to have her sit far enough back on any chair or bed that her feet hovered over the floor. This gave the impression that she was still small. Blunt had perfect posture for this time period, and every costume looked amazing on her. Rupert Friend was a great Prince Albert. They were completely convincing as a romantic couple. They portrayed one of the sweetest love stories I have ever seen.

Another interesting thing that stood out to me was the way Victoria and her mother spoke to each other in their shared room. They sat on opposite ends of the room at their respective vanities. They spoke more towards their own reflections than at each other. It was a great way to define the distance between them. It reminded me of modern day messaging. I had two friends my freshman year of college that used to sit at their desks, with there back to each other literally two feet away from each other, instant messaging each other instead of just talking.

If you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it. It is a great period piece. It is extremely well done. It will make a great addition to any home collection to be seen over and over again.

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